March 15, 2009


God is calling us to be consecrated.

At our recent prayer meeting, the Lord spoke and the word was the following:

He started out with the parable of the two sons (
Mat 21:31) and explained that we can say all types of things but it is of no use unless we actually "do" it. He would rather us say no first and then repent and do his will in lieu of saying yes and doing nothing. We ask for anointing and spiritual authority. We want to see the kingdom of God come in such a way that the spiritual authority is so strong that people will repent by our walking in the room.

The Lord desperately wants a people that will carry that kind of authority, but he is waiting for us to die to our flesh and live a radical (normal) Christian life. We want Apostolic anointing, but we don't want to live like the apostles did…it is too counter-cultural. We tolerate the things that the early Christians and the men & women of God would have never tolerated (TV, gluttony, apathy are just a few that are so commonly tolerated).

We want the power & authority without paying the price.

Living a resurrected life requires that we die first. If the "old" has not died, then what is there to resurrect. We think we can die to a few things and the authority is going to come in its fullness. No actually, as we die, our authority increases, but to have the kind of authority that we so desperately want requires holy, consecrated living that we can't even bear to imagine because our flesh cries out "NO!". It requires us to give up our temporal pleasures and to set our mind and our vision on the joy of the Lord and eternity.

Oh, to have a pure unadulterated eternal mindset would change it all. If all we cared about was what mattered in eternity and to the cloud of witnesses that have gone before us, we just might hasten the day of the Lord's return.

Well the truth is that at some point in time there will be a people that will do just that. They will read the bible and believe it…not by vocal agreement, but by the radical and supernatural power that surrounds their lives. They will be scorned by other believers and labeled as a "cult" and "legalistic"…but the fruit will be undeniable. This will fuel the hatred by the pharisitical heart. The beautiful result however will be the incredible harvest. The broken, destitute, lost, hopeless, forgotten, etc will find hope when they see the pure bride of Christ.

They will see people that were just like them that now walk in a supernatural power and peace that they can physically see. They will realize how blessed they are to not have all of the distractions of financial blessings to distract them from the love of the Father. They will experience biblical revival in their own hearts, Godly sorrow, and true repentance through the impact of the witness of the Kingdom of God being manifested through the body of Christ on earth.

May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

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