April 23, 2009

Revival God's Way

The following is directly out of a book that I HIGHLY reccommed to any Christian who wants more of God than what they are truly experiencing. Any Christian who is tired of "status quo", tire of games, and tired of "playing church" while the world around us is walking straight off of the cliffs to eternal separation from God. The book is calld God Chasers and is by Tommy Tenney. Here is a link to it on Amazon.



We need to repent for designing servises that men like, instead of yielding to what God likes. Like most men and women, we have wanted "life" in our services when God was after "death" through repentance and brokenness that ushers in the presence of God and causes you to draw near to the Lord and yet live

Some people get very uncomfortable at this point because its starting to smell a little smoky. THey can smell the odor of burning flesh in the air. It may not smell good to us, but God is drawn toward repentance. The bible says, "When a sinner repents, the angels rejoice" (see Luke 15:10). Death and repentance on Earth bring about joy in the Heavenlies.

Revival must begin in the local church before it can reach into your community. If you are ungry for revival, then I have a word from the Lord for you: Fire doesn't fall on empty altars. There has to be a sacrifice on the altar for fire to fall If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God. Jesus sacrificed himself to win our our salvation, but He has called each and every person who wants to follow Him to do what? To lay down their lives and take up their cross and follow Him. According to Strong's Concordance, the Greek word for "cross," stauros, means "figuratively , exposure to death, i.e. self-denial." Elijah didn't ask for God's fire to fall down on the altar until he had loaded it up with fuel and a worthy sacrifice. We've been praying for the fire to fall, but there's nothing on the altar!

If you are hungry for the fire to fall in your church, then you need to just crawl up on the altar and say, "God, whatever it takes, I lay myself on the altar and ask You to consume me with Your fire Lord." Then we can follow the lead of John Wesley who explained how he drew such large crowds during the First Great Awakening:

"I set myself on fire, and the people came to see me burn."


If this does not stir you then I think you need to check your spiritual pulse. I am broken at my apathy and complacency for the Kingdom of God!

For more on the God Chaser's Ministry visit http://www.godchasers.net/

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