I recently attened a 2 night prayer/ministry meeting. First of all I would like to thank Jeff Pruett and Mike Williams for traveling to DFW to minister to all of us who attended. I know I can speak for everyone who attended...it was obviously a divine time apointed by God himself and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
If anyone who attended would like to download the full and uncut audio files of both nights, please email me at texansnstros@hotmail.com and I will send you the download links.
The presence of God was incredible and I wanted to share the main messages that were shared on the 2 nights along with a few other encouraging words that were shared.
RIGHT CLICK and select SAVE FILE AS to download files in this post...
These are DEFINITELY worth listening to and I would love feedback from all of you:
I would also like to share a powerful word from another mighty man of God that shared something on his heart:
Here is an incredible analogy of the cost of getting the "purest" of God as it relates to the desire to get the purest drugs (shared by a delivered ex-crack cocaine addict)
As I edit more of the audio from these two nights, I will continue to post the parts that I think deserve to be shared. Hopefully this stuff will bless all of you as much as it did me!

Chris, thank you for you willingness to publish the gospel. "Blessed are the feet of them that bring (publish) good news"! I have yet to listen to the audio but know that it was my honor and a privilege to minister to a group of desperately hungry brothers and sister. You blog is great! I can tell that Christ is its grand subject, our good is its design and the glory of God it's end! I will be in contact with you soon brother. Godspeed! Pastor Jeff
Jeff, I appreciate you taking the time to take a look. It truly was great to meet you and your congregation is lucky to have such a great pastor! I look forward to the next time!
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