June 5, 2008

The Aroma of Prayer

Coming to the revelation of the power and necessity of prayer is one of the greatest things that has happened to me in my Christian walk! It is no longer a mystery to me why prayer is the hardest thing to do. Since it is the most powerful thing we can do, it is obvious why it is so easy to get distracted, discouraged, or confused about this amazing access we have to our heavenly father.

The last thing the enemy wants us to do is pray. He doesn't stand a chance when we pray.

The following compilation was taken directly from one of the most eye-opening and powerful sermons I have ever heard on this topic.

It is called "The Aroma of Prayer" by Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. I basically took some of the best segments of it and put it to music.

It may take a minute to start so just push play and wait...

If you enjoyed this compilation, feel free to download it HERE

Just "right click" and "save as" somewhere on your computer

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